I use Moultrie game cams. The Produce Great Pics and are decently priced. Bass pro has a sale on one going on right now. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/moultrie-bc-900i-30mp-trail-camera-kit
My buddy and I have a pile of Tactacams. At $100 a camera and $13 a month for unlimited pics we are going to keep on buying them! Only thing I will say is you must get an external battery on them if you are doing any kind of volume at all or you will be swapping out batteries every 2-3 weeks. They take pretty good pics as well! Here is a sample of the HD over the air pics. The pics on the card are even better!
Does anyone have experience with these? Walmart has them clearance priced at 45.00. https://www.moultriemobile.com/blog/walmart_exo_cellular_trail_camera/