I've been told by a couple friends that this Buck Bomb is the next coming of deer hunting. Any of you have luck with it either way? I'm thinking about giving it a try but it seemed like a gimmick at first glance and I never gave it a second look.
I've used it, before. Had great results, too. I do feel, though, the timing and location is key to success with scents. Too many people buy into gimmicks and believe that these gimmicks will miraculously materialize a mature, B&C buck... Like I said, I've had good success with BB and so have friends of mine. Keep in mind, we were in "hot" areas, to start, and, we knew where the bucks "should" come from. not to mention, there were plenty of doe in the area, so, having a buck(s) downwind of these doe to pick up a little "extra" scent was likely.
I spray my boots with it, and walk it. Then once in my stand, I spray it 3 short bursts every hour. I have deer feed 20-100 yards from me downwind without smelling me.
Suuuuure !! In fact, coat all of your hear with it. Walk in, find a tree with ground cover and sit on the ground, against it, during the rut. Let me know how it plays out..
I have used it a few times with no positive results but I did have a buck get spooked by it I believe... when i say no positive results, I mean I didn't have deer coming in to the bomb or have any hang around longer, now, Deer Dander by Fitzgerald, that has brought deer in to me on many occassions, I killed two of my best bow bucks using it.
haha....why not throw some Acorn Rage down in front by your feet...the deer will never no your there... Maybe even some wicks around the tree your sitting in ...some Tinks 69 Or you could even go the extra mile and throw a decoy up in front of you for some extra attention...spray her down as well.. You should be all set....let me know as well how it works out for you!