The other night I decided to walk out back and make sure that it was still 95 degrees at 7:30pm (it was). I looked out the sliding glass window I saw that there was a cat laying underneath my BBQ grill (like 5 ft. away). I slowly opened the door and yelled at it, but it didn't move... at all. I kneel down and it's definitely not moving, and I notice that there is some type of clear "fluid" on the concrete around this cat. Being the cat lover that I'm not, I grabbed some leather gloves and grabbed onto the tail pulling it out from under my grill. It was as stiff as a board but hadn't started stinking yet. I quickly put it into a trash bag and into the dumpster as the next day was trash service. I have no idea how it died or why it was under my grill. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe it got hit by a car and didn't die until it got on my back porch... Luckily it wasn't black so I'm pretty sure that my bow season won't be jinxed. :D
if you live on a farm its not a bad idea to have a couple hangin 'round the barn... helps keep the mouse population down significantly... but other than for that reason, I can do without 'em completely