I asked a while back who had the better chance this yr....your NFL team making the playoffs or you tagging a nice buck?? so how is it looking so far for your team and your chances?? Mine, not so good for the deer kill, I can't see a buck! The Cowboys, are suspect but they have the edge on me right now....
Well the Steelers had a rocky start but are doing well now.... I shot a mediocre buck, but have 10 or so days left to hunt Ohio... I'm saying things are still pretty even.
Like rybo said, Steelers seem to hopefully be picking up the pace, and I actually shot a buck. Before this season started I would have said the steeler's have a WAY better shot than me at success.
John we have a better chance blowing Mel Johnson's record out of the water than that worthless team has a chance at making the playoffs. At least hunting makes me miss them on every Sunday now...
I damn near beat my odds. Dammit!!!!!!! I figured the Vikes had a better shot at making the playoffs then me shooting a 130"+ buck.
Maybe this is a new way to up your odds in the field? maybe i'll dump the bears and join the titans?? either way i'm not going to the super bowl! :D
Redskins..............at first I thought it was 50/50, now I think, no I know, I have a better chance!
man Brett, Im a Cowboy fan and I hate the Skins, but even I feel sorry for em....they are great on the defensive side of the ball for the most part, but the QB is the worst Ive seen....Moss is not what he wants was and neither is Portis
lol!! I mean did they think that by getting a consultant that it would help?? talent is what they need and they don't have it..neither does the Cowboys...we got a few decent players but we ain't got great players.
i believe i said both, that i would kill a good buck and the STEELERS would make the playoffs. The STEELERS are fairing better than me. I haven't seen any good bucks. 2 nights ago i saw a buck i wan't hunting thou. The kids and i had just finshed Dinner and i look out back and i see a deer walking the edge of a field, i said to myself i know that is a buck, i grab the Binos and sure enough it is a buck. Go figure i see a buck while i'm at my house and not in the Woods. THIS SEASON HAS NOT BEEN PLEASANT TO ME. I still have about 10 days of PA Season and then 7 Days in Ohio. Cross your fingers for me.
KC Chiefs? Please. I'll have several bucks on the ground before these bums ever make it back to the playoffs. You could say the same for the damn Royals too! (- :