I told my wife today I was going to kill a deer with a bow next fall. She laughed... And not just a little. I have never killed a deer with gun or bow. I did kill two at one time wth my f150 a few years back . I've shot a bow numerous times , mainly target but I have killed gar wth a bow in the Ohio river. By no means am I an expert or even too knowledgable outside of the basics. I have a piece of land I can hunt on next fall up here in Ontario so I need to get a bow and get this done. I'm looking for advice to prove her wrong because at this point I need to ensure success. I'm looking to buy a used bow probably a couple years old. What's the most bang for my buck (lol)? Also - are there books I should consume that you recommend to newbies? Thanks!
Well if you want a quality bow for a decent price, I'm shooting a Bowtech Carbon Knight. it was $550 brand new bare bow. I bought it last year and got everything at one time. I also bought a QAD Ultra rest, 5 pin Trophy Ridge sight, release, arrows, Tight Spot quiver, bow case and walked out the door at just under $1200. You can still do cheaper and I've recently seen my bow on eBay near the $350 range bare and packages as well. Here's one below outfitted. You'll just need arrows and release to start shooting. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bowtech-CAR...455946?hash=item4af1de464a:g:G0oAAOSwEeFVSoU2 And I've loved my bow from day one. I've killed 6 turkey and 2 bucks between last year and this year. I don't have any problems at all and it's performed flawlessly. Good luck! Hopefully the F-150 doesn't take anymore damage.
There are so many options. Find a good bow shop and go in there and talk with them. Just starting out you need to know what your draw length is and what draw weight you are comfortable with. Once those things are established, ask to shoot every bow they will let you shoot. I always recommend that a beginner get help starting from a good shop or a very knowledgeable friend. Then the addiction can begin. Bowhunting is so much fun but it can get expensive!
Look into the Mission Craze. Can pick up a bare bow new for pretty cheap. It will be able to give you plenty of weight adjustment. I say this because you'll want a lower pound bow to start to ensure your using proper form. Once you get this down you can raise the poundage until it suits you.
In my area Mathews reezens are very easy to find at great prices. I love mine and it's the most accurate bow I've had.
After you get your bow, practice, practice, practice. I picked up a bow for the first time last May, practiced almost every day and killed a buck last fall. The next most important thing is to get out in the woods and keep going out until you find success. You can't kill a deer from the couch. Keep at it even if it seems pointless. Even the legendary Fred Bear went several seasons without bagging a deer when he first started. Enjoy the long time spent hunting, not just the short time spent killing.
Check out a local bow shop and shoot a few different bows to see what you like. Most smaller shops should have used bows. Practice, practice, practice. Learn the anatomy of a deer and make sure to take ethical shots (broadside/quartering away with no obstructions). Don't get caught up in killing a deer just to prove your wife wrong at the expense of a clean ethical kill. Good luck!
PSE Stinger X best bow for the buck, rivals all mid-line bows from other companies at lower end cost. Bowtechs, some of the olders ones have severe issues with their limbs blowing up.. just an fyi..
As others have said,the best thing you can do is go find a archery shop (aka pro shop) and go in there and let them help you get set up and just let them help you as much as possible.Bowhunting can get expensive but it sure is addicting.