This morning I had some contractors on campus to do some medium voltage work. I have worked with these guys before and we all tell lies..... I mean hunting stories to each other. When I told them about my Ks trip one of them told me I need to go to his place on the Brazos river. Its about 2 hours from home,50 acres, full of turkeys, free for me, and no one hunts turkeys there. I think I have new plans for Saturday. I'll start 3-d next weekend. I was also offered the opportunity to hunt freerange Aoudad and Javalina in SW Texas. Again for free. This guy owns a section near Big Bend National Park and told me I could go, with 1 friend, stay in his camper down there and hunt all I want anytime in January, February, or March. Anyone care to join me?
I'll only have to buy about a 1/2 tank of gas to hunt this place! And the blind may be taken care of. I have to do an electrical panel upgrade on his house. Hes gotten quotes to have it replaced, they average $1200. I can buy the material and do the work and be out less than $200 so that is working out for both of us.
I' alread more than half way to Big bend Greg...give me a holler when we're going!:d It is only about 3-4 hours down from here!Surely your talking with rifles...ain't nothing close down there but rocks and broke bones.Not good country to hunt alone in the best of times.
Yeah, thats what he told me. I'm gonna leave work friday and go straight there, hunt fri evening and sat AM. I'm gonna skip the 3-D at On Target until next week. His land is right on the Brazos.
Yeah, he told me I wouldn't be able to deer hunt. Its full up for that but turkeys and hogs I can help myself. I have to stop hog hunting in August so I don't screw up his deer hunting. I thought it was awfully nice of him
Greg, getting a little off topic here but I guess I am getting a little more interested in my family roots as I age. My mom's side of the family is from Texas. They came over with the original group that "settled" the state and their last name was Parker(a large family) and they settled in East Texas, hence Parker County. Just thought it was interesting since I was out in Texas just a couple of weeks ago...again, good luck! Brett
Very. Its an open invitation. It looks like Rowel and I are going. Who else? I'm thinking mid-February although thats open to change. Maybe March during spring break? There is time to plan this. The landowner told me not to go alone and the campers will sleep 6.
Now that's what I call a serious stroke of luck...See, this hunting thing is definiteley loaded with Karma. I would love to go afte a aoudad, but honestly, my dance card is full for 2010. Maybe another year? Maybe I could talk that Veneble guy out of NC? I know he would love something like this.