Well that makes another one of us thats gonna go for the turk with trad equip. Good luck to all you guys.
My "recurving" continued this past weekend and I found myself at the most Redneck place I've ever been. Instead of house numbers on the single wide, it read, "Colt 45" . There were goats, chickens, and horses... For entertainment there were archery targets, with a dry rotted couch behind them for a backstop. There were also spray painted dots on trees for the throwing axe competition... Hopefully you're starting to get the idea. Anyway, we were shooting the recurves and the "owner" decided he was going to pick off a chicken or two with the .22 so he could cook them on Sunday. Not too long after that, chickens started appearing from everywhere. A few minutes later a trophy clucker strolled out from behind the woodpile... I nocked an arrow. I drew my bow and let it fly and my arrow found it's mark right square in wing bone. The bird took off through the woods where he came to his final resting place. It's my first bird with the recurve, and probably the best eating one that I'll ever shoot as well. This bird is currently marinating and will find the pan tonight!!!:d :d
LMFinAO!!! Dude, I can read the Colt 45 in the background! That's funny stuff right there!!! Kinda glad your pig guiding skills kept us away from that place!! That's a good shot man, specially w/ a recurve.......
The man shoots a chicken in front of a single wide with a recurve.......that would be weird if it happened anywhere besides Oklahoma