and I found his stash .... Here's the whole group .... I think I saw Scott picking one from the other side of the fence :D and there is one for Ole' Rob :D
I think I see his stand in the background of that last picture.:p I'm surprised they all still have their racks. A lot of times those places will tranquilize them and cut off the racks so the bucks don't hurt each other.
I bet he has all them branded to, If you raise there tails up Im betting there is a Big-O under there
I have plenty more pics ... that Rob buck was real curious ... I have to put those pics up from my camera yet .... I LOVED OHIO ... I would move there in a sec....
the doe were in the back .... I know how my male dog gets when my female is ready ... I can't imagine what they do .... single pens, maybe??
This does prove that large bucks do no just disappear during daylight as many would make you believe...that changes everything