I just wanted to look at one of my P90X workout buddy's pics, and I freakin' had to create a profile to do it... Now I've spent the last two days creating the darn thing, uploading photos, and the whole nine yards, LOL. It has been sorta cool, as I've caught up with some old high school classmates I haven't spoken to in 20+ years...
well look a brother up already!! Mitch Dohman in Illinois Be sure to also add the bowhunting.com page and the fine men from here!!
Checking out photos of some dude on Facebook? Is there something you're not telling us, Richard Simmons??
And here I am trying to make you money, JZ... I'm hurt! :D You've got an e-mail waiting on you when you get time...
Yeah, that facebook thing is pretty cool. I've also found people I've not spoken to in many, many years.
That's been a nice added surprise Don... I really only wanted to look at some information that Mark Briggs had on his site; he's the animal featured alongside Tony Horton in the P90X+ DVDs which I'll be starting on at the end of this month. We've become friends through the forums, and he's a helluva coach to boot. I think he's on like Round 30 or something? But you're right... I bet I've already talked to a dozen old classmates I haven't seen since graduation 20+ years ago.
I've linked up with lost friends from 6th grade and pee-wee football, on FB :d Can you post a link, Greg? I don't have the slightest clue on how to look people up on there.
me too, though you gotta be careful not to let it interfere with your home life... when the wife starts asking questions about why you're trading emails with girls (not necessarily ex-g/f's) it creates a trust issue... i'll not bore you all with the details of the grief it caused me and my wife...
Greg, do you have a camospace page? It's kinda the same thing but with Hunters from all walks of life. Heck you can even import all the work you've done on face-book into camospace. Get your space now..use my signature for the link.
ah...the good thing for me...girls didn't like me then and they still don't now. I have old classmates as friends, but I never talk to them. It is nice to see how they did for themselves though. I have a ton of friends on there, but I only really talk to a few of them. And 90% of them are long lost relatives. Part of me really likes to see how some of these people turned out. You know...the ones in highschool that thought they were better then everybody...and now they don't amount to crap. haha but that is my evil side that thinks that!!