Well, I am looking for any info on the deer quality and numbers in Carroll County Illinois, around Lanark to be a little more exact!!! I know there are a lot of you guys on here that either hunt up that way or are from that region...Thanks in advance for any information!!!
Definitely a great area to hunt. If you're hunting in Lanark you may be going to the same place Rob/PA went last fall. He can tell you all about it. Density isn't as high as the West Central part of the state, or even the Southern part for that matter, but there are a few 200" bucks pulled out of that area each year. Who you hunting with?
Justin going to the same place that Rob went last year with Dave (NCRemington on HNI) and one of his buddies.... Glad to hear that there are some big boys pulled out of there, with a little luck maybe this ol' country boy can get him a good one like that!!!
Kyle, Brother you are more than welcome to book that week with us... I am not sure of availability at this point but I will be more than glad to get the info for you... We'd be more than happy to share a camp with you...
Let me know when you guys are going to be hunting. We have a lease about 15 minutes away from Lanark and will be spending some time out there this fall.
Justin we will be hunting there from October 24th-31st... Would be cool to get to meet some of you guys while on the trip...
TBH, You in for an incredible time. All I know is I saw a pile of deer and even under the circumstances of a late corn harvest. I can't imagine what I may have seen had the corn been down. Good luck TexasBowHunter, I know we've talked via PM but if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me.
TexasBowHunter: Carroll county is right on top of me. I live just south of Lanark. There are allot of great deer taken in this area every year. Carroll county especially. There are some tracts of land that have HUGE lease prices. I don't know exactly where you'll be, but if its at all decent its a gurantee you'll see deer. The one thing to be ecxited about in this particular section on this particular year is the fact that last winter came in fast and early. So, farmers couldnt get all of the corn out. We still have huge plots that are standing corn. Your trophy for next season is probably on full feed right this second. If you get a chance let me know the name or location of the place!
inplainview, all I really know is that it is in Lanark and the guy has farms leased all around there, I am unsure of how close or far from Lanark the farms are!!! Rob went and hunted with this guy last year and saw a bunch of deer and I believe that he will be going back this year too, which to me is a real good sign. I am glad to hear that there is still some standing corn for them, that should make for a good start to this next season for the deer... Thanks for the info brother...