My hunting buddy and I just discovered we have at least 2 black bears on our property; trail cam photos One is a yearling and the other is an adult (most likely Mom). Looking for advice on how to get in/out of stands without spooking deer, yet not having an up close and personal encounter with a bear? Prior to seeing them on the trail cams, the most I worried about was bobcats or coyotes, which didn't really cause me a great deal of concern. Bears, a different matter. I'm hunting in southern Missouri, there is no black bear season. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Without cubs, I wouldn't be to worried about black bears, they will know you are there before you see them. they will most likely head the other way before you even know they were there. I'd be more worried about a bear coming into where I hunting and deciding to come up my tree.
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like a bear has no more interest in meeting me than I have in meeting it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I have a bunch of bears on my lease and I have a bunch of bear pictures on card pulls every time I check my camera. This has been the case for several years on the property I hunt. I always have it in the back of my head I am going to run into a bear going to or leaving the stand but so far with a lot of hours in the woods I have yet to have an encounter. I agree with the above I think they know we are there before we see them and avoid us as much as possible. I still can’t get the thought of running into one in the dark out of my head though.
Lots bears by me. Couple of sows with cubs. You will be fine. Nothing to worry about they will get out of your way.
Watched this video before hunting one morning. I got in my stand well before sunrise. While it was still pitch black, I heard footsteps coming in my direction, which stopped directly beneath my tree. Never heard another footstep and still don't know what it was, but it certainly had my adrenaline going!
This makes me feel "a little better", some comfort in knowing you haven't had a problem. I know I will imagine bears at every twig snap or leaf rustle in the dark until I get used to hunting in a known bear area. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Good luck PSE4me. God make it easy on you and keep you safe. Sent from my SM-G950U using Forums mobile app
Just be alert and aware of your surroundings. Sometimes I catch myself stumbling through the woods not paying much attention (usually when I'm tired). I don't have any real dangerous animals in my area but I still scold myself for being a bumbling idiot. There's always a chance of walking up on an injured or pissed off bear so I wouldn't worry but I also wouldn't forget they're there. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Great topic, I have some bears on the way to my stand spokes me every time, bad part is they dumped my 300 lb feeder last year and I'm worried they will remember. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Ive hunted deer in bear country my whole life, ive bumped 1 bear and have seen 1 that came in for corn while i was hunting. Last bow season from a ground blind i had one climb a tree behind me, the tree broke and it climbed down and ran off. I whistle like a bird when i leave my blind at night. Wont spook a deer for good but will at least let a bear know im there. I dont want to startle the bear. Sent from my SM-N920P using Forums mobile app