Well after a nice little evening of shooting w/ the wife (more to come there) we decided to go cruise around the ranch and see if we could spot a turkey or something. Well no turkeys but on the way back to the house she spotted this dude from the polaris. I told her to go to the house and get my bow while I keep a watch on him, I have yet to kill one of these dudes w/ my bow. Here are a few pics. I am 6'1 he was a pretty decent sized rattler. The anchor shot. The decapitation. And the trophy I hate these things just about as much as anything. Give me the heebie jeebies.
Congrats. I'm glad we (well, I) don't have to deal with those here, and if they are actually in my woods, I don't want to know.
Thats the second one I killed in that pasture. Last october I killed a small one right below the tree that my treestand was in.
I am never coming back out there lol. I really didn't think they would be around here, what rocks do they come from? On a side note, a rattlesnake hunter searched one of our pastures a couple weeks ago for a rattlesnake festival this weekend. He found den of 18 and one was 6'4". I don't wanna go back I can honestly say that I hate rattlesnakes. They creep me out so much. Unfortunatly I live amoungst them. Every time I see one every hair on my body stands on end. In the '07 season I killed 4 of them in October. Be careful man, this is when they are most aggresive.
Ok if you remember the rocks that we parked on that looked over the pond thats approximately where he was. This joker was out catching a little sun I guess. If I ever came on a den I swear I think I would just go ahead and pass out, say what you will but I just dont do well with the rattlers.
Yeah, They are supposedly all over in the area that I am going hunting in. Has anyone ever eaten these? Smoke them? Just curious.
Me and a friend at work killed one a few years ago skinned and ate it. We breaded and fried it, I would say it is alot like chewy fish, wouldnt go skin one again to eat it.
Thats why I wear snake boots when I hunt rather than rubber boots. (that and mesquite thorns). Snake boots require more work for scent control than rubber boots but I don't mind.
I hear ya Greg! We don't have them up here to bad. Just the occasional timber rattler. But when I go to the hill country to my lease or to South Texas for our javilina hunt I see them just about every day. :huh:
We have a very small population of pygmie rattlers here, I'm not sure I could keep my mind on hunting with those big suckers laying around.
good job, shooting a rattler with my bow is kind of a double edged sword ... I'd like to do it, but rather not run into 'em in the first place. Last time I saw one, getting my bow was last thing on my mind, chunkin' a big rock was the first.