Just an FYI for those that like this stuff. I have a Fall Grey outfit I used quite a bit last year and wanted to add a Spring Green outfit to the arsenal for the early season as well. I just got that done for cheap. :d If you go to the Predator main website, and go to the bargain room (http://www.predatorcamo.com/bargain_room.html), you will see there are some bucksuede jackets and pants in there for awesome prices. I just ordered the 4 pocket pants, jacket, headnet, long sleeve t-shirt, and the regular brim logo cap all in Spring Green. Got the whole outfit for $122. Pretty good deal considering the pants and jacket aren't cotton. Just thought others here might like to know. For those unfamiliar with Bucksuede, it's apparently nearly waterproof, won't pick up burrs, supposed to be quiet, etc. Much better than cotton at least, not sure how it stacks up to wolfskin though. For $35 for the jacket, and $35 for the pants, I'll be the guinea pig.
Well I made the call, you better be very, very small or very, very big as they are out of almost everything. I managed to pick up a Bucksuede Predator Deception jacket but had to pay full price for 6 pocket bdu pants to match. They are out of everything that would fit me.
Crap. I just placed the order figuring they had it if the site said so. They only have large and medium jackets in spring green, and XXL pants in spring green.
And just to let you know... Bucksuede doesn't hold a candle to Wolfskin, unfortunately. I've got a couple bucksuede jackets (one in SG, the other in FG) and they can be a bit "stiff" in the cold. But if you picked it up for real cheap, you'll still be pleased.
Hell for $35 for a jacket I'll give it a go. I know it doesn't hold a candle to Wolfskin but again, it's $35.00 LOL .....
Oh, I agree about that Rob! :D That's why I've had a couple of them for a few years, LOL. They DO make nice little windbreakers on windy days. I'm not saying they're windproof, but they're a nice little light layering piece.
Thanks for the heads up Rick! I use the Bucksuede and just love the stuff! I wore it in the late season when it was in the single digits, never had a problem with it being stiff at all! I always check Sportsmans Warehouse, they sell the stuff and its on sale a lot of the times! I got my Brown Deception Bucksuede pants for $24.00!