Think I'm going to do something with pineapple actually. We made ribeye kabobs one time with pineapple and those were over the top good.
Caribbean jerk/teriyaki shrimp skewers and ribeyes it is. Can’t wait to see how much a good ribeye will run me these days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
17$ how's that? Taken from the WJJY 106.7 bit on cash call and still on the air as is Ken Thomas as the morning DJ
We make breakfast and italian with our venison. Easy and way better for you than the store bought stuff. You can pronounce all the ingredients. Lol. Summer sausage, brats, kielbasa, polish, bologna..... A little more work but, totally worth it. Have a ton of recipes.
How different are we talking? Have you smoked a fatty? Google it. Any ground meat rolled up like a swiss cake roll, stuffed with whatever you want and wrapped in bacon. The combinations are endless. I can suggest a few favorites.
This is something everyone needs to try. I can't find chubs of bologna anymore. Just gone from the stores. WTF? Slather it in your favorite rub and smoke it whole or cut it in slabs like a burger.
Couldn't agree more. Now, mix up some honey and Sriracha. Brush it on the grilling pineapple. Serve it over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. One heck of a dessert.
I will have to try that with honey and paprika. No one else in my family can handle anything spicer. Good idea though.
Nice. What kinda meat? Gonna do a bacon weave? Lol. They're fun to do. Pizza or breakfast ingredients in sausage. Use your favorite meatloaf recipe. Endless combos.
You don't add much. And the ice cream tames it down. May have been created after a few wobbly pops. You don't want to screw them up. Lol. They opened a new BBQ supply place down the road from me. Lots of stuff I want. Have some MN grown wagyu for $25/pound. Really want a tri tip. 2-3 lbs. Just can't pull the trigger.
Wow. I just picked up some thick cut bone in prime a few weeks ago at $9/lb (not dry aged, of course)…
Think I finally have my sauce, won't call it made from scratch but my own concoction. Now that I have the flavor I want I think it will be easier to start from scratch, but I am damn happy with this result. Little gritty, but I think if I start making it on a simmer it will smooth out a bit. Going to make a batch this weekend with exact measurements so I can make it consistently, take it to work and see what others think. Hate when you make something really good just by trial and error but not taking measurements along the way
Trying a new venture shortly. Got one of the indoor "smokers" to try out. Mainly for convenience than necessity, coworker has one and said he loves it. I got it way cheaper than they sell for. Reviews are mixed but even the best reviews admit it is more of a smoke flavor enhanced oven than an actual smoker, but for the price I'm OK with that for simplicity sake. Try some simple burgers first, then wings before trying more expensive meats. Worst case scenario I can offload it for a profit.
I think that would be ideal for winter smoking, can be hard to maintain temps when it is cold and windy.
First cook with it wasn't the best Watched a video on burgers in it and they let it go for about 2 hours. Should have realized when I got all 4 burgers on one rack amd they barely fit 2 the cook would not be equal. Overcooked and over smoked, pellets definitely give a different smoke flavor profile than I am used to. Lesson learned there, hoping it gets better as it gets seasoned after some use like your outdoor smokers. Have a rack of ribs going now, turned the smoke off after about 2 1/2 hours on a 6 hour preprogrammed cook. Didn't want the smole rolling for the full 6 hours. Actually impressed with its ability to keep the smoke filtered from escaping into the house. Have to be right next to it to get an ever so slight smoke odor.