Just curious; has anyone tried hunting squirrels with a crossbow using blunt tips? I've been thinking of trying but am curious about flight characteristics being messed up coming off of a crossbow rail vs. a bow.
I’ve never gotten one with a crossbow but I’ve gotten tons with a vertical bow. Don’t see why you couldn’t use a crossbow. I pretty much always keep one or 2 arrows with a small game point in my quiver. If I’m hunting a morning and haven’t gotten a chance at a deer then I’ll usually stay in the stand for a few extra minutes and get a squirrel before I climb down and head in. I use the style that has the little spring arms on them because they don’t disappear into the dirt if you miss. Also a lumenock makes finding any misses a whole lot easier (they will last a quite a while before the battery dies as long as you make sure to turn it off as soon as you retrieve your arrow) Also it’s best to wait until they are on the ground or at a lower height than you are because if you’re shooting at one that’s above you and you miss then just say goodbye to that arrow because you aren’t finding it even if you’ve got a lumenok on it. These are the style points that I use: . As an added bonus, if you are using the nokturnal brand of lumenok, you can stick the pointy end of one of those little spring things into the little hole on the side of the nock and use it to turn off the light so you don’t need to carry a separate tool.
I use the points for small game from Water Buffalo Archery. Better and cheaper than Zwickey Judo points