I noticed a few slow motion shots on TV. I never saw them in the past. I thought they couldn't show the hit in slo-mo. Whats up?
I believe they could but just were walking that fine line with the general public. Personally Todd show em as far as I am concerned. Also March 20th I will be up in Wisconsin Rapids for the national in schools archery tournament for our school here in Trevor, Wi. This year I get my own group to teach and bring up there. T
I may be wrong, but it depends on what channel you were watching. I know that the Outdoor Channel had a rule that an impact shot could only be shown once on an animal, no replays of the inpact.
I will make a straight beline for you then my friend. Maybe we can get fergie to watch the place for a couple hours and go have a few cold ones. hehehe Make sure you save one of those black n white RJ hats for me. T
SOB I just showed my wife and she said the same thing. I am actually colored blind with the darker colors. I took a eye test where they have the numbers hidden in the colors and after 8 pics she said forget it with none right.
Peak when you going to the madison show? I'm going on Sat. C U there RJ. We'll have to help pay for some of your new toys this yr.
I am going Friday and kicking around the idea of staying the night at my grandmas up in portage about a 35 minute drive north. I need to go out Friday night and shoot the chit with the boys.
Where is the event being held? Maybe we can finally meet? As far as you teaching, isn't that like the blind leading the blind :d :d