So at the end of spring gobbler season last year I sat on my H.S ring zone slate call and broke it. With turkey season coming up in a few months I need a new one soon so I can practice with it a bit before taking it out. I liked the sound and crispness of the Ring Zone but am looking for a new one. What slates does everyone use and how do you like them? Sent using Tapatalk!
Powerhawk, I own about 80 custom pot calls in all different surfaces, slate, glass, crystal, copper and aluminum to name a few, I know I have issues but I love running calls and collecting them. I would call Lonnie Sneed from West Virginia and order a hot hen slate from him for $30 shipped to your door, I own 7 pot calls from Lonnie and in my mine its your best bang for your buck. Halloran makes a great call also. If you want his number I can give it to you, his calls are easy to run and boy do they sound great. he is 78 years old and has been building pot calls for 40 years. Scoot
Yeah pm me his number. I don't know why I've never heard of him when he is pretty close to me Sent using Tapatalk!
For sure. I will try and get it soon so I can run it over spring and Easter break. Sent using Tapatalk!
Bully's Game Calls! Made right here in Michigan. Personally I like their calls because they are just made to last and sound superb!