i was wondering what is a good glue i can use thats cheap and not hard to find im about to give this backing a try.
Hide glue. You can get it at 3Rivers http://www.3riversarchery.com/Bow+B...Sinew+Backing)_c49_s199_p0_i4312_product.html
I use Knox gelatin (unflavored). Yep, in the grocery store. It is bone glue. Works well. But can be a pain in the arse. You have to keep it warm in a glue heater. I use a crock pot. If it gets too hot, your sinew will be ruined, and curl up. Too cold and it will gel up. It also has to be the right consistency. It gets thick over time while applying. So you have to add water. Not too much or too thin. Gets all over your hands. I suggest keeping a bucket of water on hand. So, the simple way is useing titbond III. Bad news is you loose much of the benefit of sinew. With hide glue, your sinew will reflex you bow over time. With titebond, it will make it now so rubbery. But will protect the back.
i was watching videos of ed scott making sinew backed bows and he uses a wood glue, i have titebond but it dont say titebond III? will it work? i also have elmers wood glue gel, would that work? and i also have gorilla glue the kind that foams up, i dont think this will work though. any thoughts??
Do not use gorilla glue. I have seen others try with disasterious results. Any of the titebonds work. If it doens't say titebond I, or II or III, then its probably old. It does have a shelf life. I don't take chances, I only use for a year and chuck em.