Let me state for the record, I have NOTHING against it ... it's just something I never have done (on purpose)
Given the choice, I won't shoot a fawn over a mommy. That said, I have and will shoot a fawn esp if it's alone later in the season. It's easier once the spots are gone.
The question was asked "Do you shoot fawns?" I answerred honestly, what I do. The question was not, what do you think of others who shoot fawns. There was no judgement in my answer. Simply a response.
No, not in many years. I have in the past. I don't plan on it in the future unless for some reason I stumble upon the MECCA of hunting grounds and have to eliminate some does to thin the herd.
Yes I have. I've taken probably 6 to 7 fawns In 23 years of bowhunting. Last year was the last one I took and I can guarantee It won't be the last one either. I'd rather take a doe being they have much more meat on them but that doesn't always work out.
Yes, as long as it does not have visible spots. My wife and daughter asked me not to shoot the ones with spots.
When I was growing up, we had one antlerless permit between 2-4 guys ...any of you guys ever had that?..... if you shot a fawn, you "wasted" the permit .... so that stuff gets ingrained in you as a young boy ....
You, yourself apparently agree with me on this "sporting" point. You were doing what you felt was your "job". Killing fawns was a way of accomplishing this agenda. As long as it was legal, I have no qualms with what any law-abiding sportsman does. But my opinion may vary from the legality of it and sometimes if asked I may share my opinion..most times I don't though. I believe I congratulated you on your pie-bald fawn.
This Is what bugs the hell out of me with some of the gun hunters In my area. I've found many fawns through out the years that were shot right through the heart and lungs and left right there. I'm sure they didn't realize what they shot until they made their way to the deer. That's disgusting and man does It piss me off!! None of this Is pointed at you Tony, just kinda going off on what you said with the wasted part.
Guilty. I don't shoot buttonbucks anymore, but any doe w/o spots gets shot with the bow. I'm a little more stingy with my 1 shotgun tag.
I passed several with a bow and a gun this past year. I'm gonna try not to, but if anybody wants to, I'll be the first to congratulate them.
Yea I have shot em in the past, and will do so in the future when an opportunity exitst. I try to shy away from bb, I have shot one but not since then. I do not think I would shoot one with spots though, as long as its female and has a full color coat, I have no problem with it.
we (wisconsin) had what we called "party tags or camp meat tags" 4 hunters would have to apply for 1 antlerless tag. I can remember herds of 20+ does and fawns running by and not a single buck. This was during rifle season. I shoot fawns. I would rather take a doe but when I switch from trophy hunting to meat hunting any deer is fair game. I usually wait until late Nov or Dec. before I get into my freezer filling mode.
Schultzy, I personally know ALOT of gun hunters .... and I never knew one to just let a deer rot like that .... I'm not saying it doesn't happen, bit I will stand up and say, it was prolly only a few scumbags .... BTW .... I have seen idiots not follow thru after the shot cuz they didn't find any blood or hair ... they assumed it was a miss instead of looking like they should ...
It's to bad Isn't It Tony. The majority of the hunters In my area are scum bags. If these same people bow hunted they'd do the same thing as well.
They are dumber than dirt, Many reasons to shoot one, Sporting just dont make the list for some people.