As fast as things heated up, i believe they will be slowing to a dead halt. Temps are going to be in the 70/80 range until this weekend...when they then drop into the 30/40's with snow. Indian Summer followed by hopefully some good pre-rut action. Last night, Ethan and my buddy Matt were hunting the property and had a group of mature does come in between them offering no shots. And Isaac got a glimpse of the half rack buck this morning before he let his arrow fly.
Ditto! Congrats to you and bro...great job on the slicks! Can't wait to see some bone on the ground... :D
On another note we are excited for this upcoming weekend to be in the woods. With the cooling temps and wind change the deer movement should be at a maximum. Plus with the north wind moving in its going to open up some stands that have been very productive for us in the past.
This week we had an indian summer, with temps rising into the 80's. We stayed out of the woods. We probably shouldnt have. The deer have gone mostly nocturnal though, out of the hundreds of pictures we got, these were the only 2 in the light.
We still have alot of does around even though we ave taken 2... And the scrape activity is REALLY heating up...
Now for this bad boy. Hes been showing up a little more in the last week. Hes a giant, mature 8 point that we would ALL love to stick an arrow (or slug) into this fall...