One of my field side cams also turned up some nice pics, including a few daytime shots which will be noted I moved my cuddeback to a mock scrape setup that has produced well for me in the past. Moultrie #1 is still on the corn and Moultrie #2 is going to be moved to existing scrapes this weekend.
Will do Dan, ill be out tonight. Temps in the 40-50's, in a funnel between a large bedding area and a cornfield.
Figured out part of our deer problem, The last few hunts we have been having pretty bad luck with daytime deer sightings... This AM, Isaac saw 4 coyotes from stand. One worked his way into bow range. Bad idea. This is his second yote, and first with a bow. Also the first bowkill for us this fall.
Had a rough morning this AM. 2 does were working in, closest was 35 yards, and a third deer spooked out behind me. She wasnt downwind NOR could she see me. A mystery. Trail cams are showing a new buck. Looks like a 2.5 year old with a big body on him, probably a little bigger then 100". He may have been the guy making scrapes, i found another this morning. The rut is getting closer. Heres the buck:
Some more pics. Deer are still visiting during the day, and the deer are also showing some love to the "Rub Slime":
Some 1.5 year old bucks put there nose up against it...i havnt got any pictures of deer rubbing on it yet...
While out hanging cameras yesterday, i checked out a section of the farm we havnt hunted or had a stand in for awhile. It buts up against a campground so i usually end up overlooking it. Big mistake. On an old logging road that leads to an old plugged oil well i found 6 scrapes and 3 rubs. I set up a camera and i will be putting up a stand this weekend. Ive been picking few select brains for pointers. It will be deemed Site X.