No sir, but i will be filming my girlfriend this year. Filming her bowhunting of course. Very uneventful night, i was the only one to actually go out and i didn't see a deer till the walk out when i spooked a buck. Seemed to be the one from earlier today.
Isaac went out tonight, to the ladder stand/cornpile/jolly rancher rub stand and connected with a doe. Followed the blood trail for awhile but havnt found her yet. Im on shift tonight and getting updates. Will keep you guys posted.
I got the full story when i got home from work this morning. Basically Isaac has no idea what went wrong. He's never lost a deer in his life, and hes the best shot in the family (Winner of multiple events at the 2009 GTG Bow Shoot including the 3-d tournament). The doe was perfectly broadside at 20 yards feeding. The shot felt good, there was ALOT of blood and he waited over an hour to retrieve her. The trail kept going and going, and eventually thinned into nothing. I am going to go back and look this afternoon for him since he is on the squad today. We are thinking liver shot. I also found out that Luke shot a doe as well on a farm down the street. They lost the blood trail at night and are going back to look this afternoon after school. Temps are in the 50's with a high in the 60's today. Disappointing beginning to the season to say the least.
Some update on recent action, I went to the cornpile stand Tuesday night. It has been blown. Two separate times does made there way towards the cornpile only to spook. They had there eyes locked on the stand. Time to make some adjustments. They do seem to notice the "Jolly rancher rubs" from the pictures ive got though. Ill post some up when i get a chance. Ethan went out as well to an old ladder stand we have and didnt see anything. Isaac went out tonight and filmed himself missing a doe. Ill edit the video tomorrow and post it up. He used 2 seperate cameras so it will give us a good look at what were capable of this fall.
Been slow in the Siman brothers world. Ive been skunked on my last 2 outings. Luke has as well. Ethan went out with a buddy on a different farm and was skunked. Isaac was also skunked till this morning when he got blown by a deer at first light. An amazing streak of skunked that has never happened to us. October lull is my guess. The weather is getting better though, so hopefully it picks up. My buddy Matt did go out a few days ago and saw some deer in the fields, but nothing in shooting range. Ill be out tonight.
[video=youtube_share;CNehVuZ5J_I][/video] A little highlight video me and Isaac threw together the other day to practice our video skills. We concluded that i need a new computer for all this HD video. LOL.
Alright guys time for some updates... As for the cornpile stand with the rub slime, the deer are visiting it primarily at night, but we do still have some daytime action despite alerting the deer to our presence. They DO show some interest in the slime rubs, but its not a miracle attractant by any means...
A hitlist buck showed up again on the south farm for the first time, he was with some does in the middle of the night, a good sign. The temps have been in the 30's at night, and rubs and scrapes are popping up all over the place. Here he is in velvet this summer... Are here he is again (i beleive) He has a gnarly left main beam with a weird curve and tall tines, def. #2 on my list.