Good luck on the opener Siman. My season just started today and I will be getting my first sit in tonight after practice. However I dont think the bucks in my area compare to yours.
I laughed out loud when I saw the Jar of Jolly Rancher goop. But, with a name like Caleb I know that you know what you are doing and there is no doubt you will be successful. I would say good luck, but Caleb's don't need luck. We use skillzzzz! Liking the thread, keep us posted.
Thanks guys, i will be keeping this thread updated with the Jolly Rancher, Power scrape and hunting stories throughout the whole season.
I'm pretty freakin excited about opening day this weekend! Good luck fellas! Looking forward to following along with ya.
Opening morning pretty much in the books. I saw a 1.5 year old 8 point buck and some does out of bow range. Also had an unknown deer blow at me once during first light. A flock of hens wandered by at 10 yards a few hours in. Isaac saw the same buck and the same turkeys, took a little bit of video. Luke couldn't find his stand for almost 45 minutes and naturally has been skunked so far. Hes still out. And Ethan had 7 does come into the corn pile that "walked off (his words)" when he stood up and drew. A neighbor also walked through his setup. Hes still out as well.
A little inexperience on Ethans part led to the non-success. Today was actually his first EVER bowhunt, and he had 3 of the 7 does feeding at 20 yards (Nice to see my set-up work perfectly), for whatever reason he ended up spooking the does when he stood and drew back.
Just me and Luke tonight, Isaac is at work and Ethan is at homecoming. Tune in after dark for results.