All part of hunting. You learn something new everytime. Thanks! Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
Perfect morning up here to be in a stand, unfortunately I'm stuck in front of a computer at work. Starting next Wednesday I'll have 6 straight days of being in the woods. Good luck guys, love reading through the thread.
You look all decked out and ready to go! Good luck! 20 minutes ago I saw a nice 8 pointer dogging a doe across my picked cornfield. Too bad I saw it from the front door!
Even though its perfect we still dont have a stand sighting. Hurricane Sandy has made things a little weird around here Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
I might be wrong. But there will be a day when it will seem like someone turned on the deer faucet. It will explode with activity. The deer probably hunkered down, but they can't stay that way. not this time of year.
Only problem with that is my schedual. I wont be able to get back out till sunday.. Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
Were outta the woods. Dead morning. Hopefully this lul doesnt last very long... Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
The storm let up yesterday on my way home from practice and the deer were definitely moving. I saw 6 deer on the way home in broad day light when I am usually lucky to see one at dusk. The break in the storm and the bucks chasing definitely had the does moving though.
Isaac is the only one in the tree tonight...wish him luck, im delivering babies... Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
Well saw some does and then a buck hot on a trail in full chase mode going across the field in the farm to the south of us!
I'll be back at it in the morning hoping for some change in the deer around here. Been real real slow since that storm came and went.