silly question an i think i know the anwser but im gonna ask anyway... when the arrow is nocked an i look down my strin towards the tip of the arrow should my pins an arrow line up with my string.. i guess what im sayin is if i look down the string it should cover my arrow an pins..
I believe once sighted in, for a right handed archery, the pins should be offset to the left of the string a tad.
I would think that if your using a peep they should be pretty much in line. My aren't, but I use Hindsight so I don't need to look down my string.
I'm sure I've read it somewhere, because I noticed mine were offset yet everything was tuned and sighted in. I'll have to find where I read it and post the link.
True Jeff, but what I meant to say is if his bow is in tune, I wouldn't worry about it..that's why I said if your arrow is flying true, not just hitting where he wants it.
Mine is the same way, i think its because when you draw and anchor your are moving the string a bit towards your face.
well no my arrows arent really hittin where i want them to... i thought it would be a simple anwser i didnt know... really didnt know there was such a debate about it... glad i asked now... i jus thought everything would be in line.. if indeed it is suspose to be a tad left i guess im in order with that..... i am strugglin with tunin but i got it in my head for some reason im switchin to feathers this year... yes i know i should of already done it... but i havent but im goin to! i think they will help stablize my broadhead flight a lil better... after shootin today im not convienced its not jus me screwin alot of things up... i worry alot bout clearence issuses.. i know the 4 inch feathers will give me plenty of room.. an clear my mind of that... plus i jus need to get arrows shot period... i turned my poundage up an im not comfortable when i pull it back yet... soon as i get to full draw my left elbow shake uncontrolably for some reason... jus not use to the weight i guess... i need to jus get arrows shot to get use to it... glad my question wasnt so "silly" afterwards...
same here...sight pins just offset to left, almost still covered by string, just a hair outside. ...and my bow is tuned, shoots bullet holes through paper, FP's and Fixed Blades hit same point. I always thought that they should line up, but had always tuned my bow...I look at it every time I hunt - it's another quick reference to make sure nothing has been knocked out of line. The question is...Why to the left then?
I did i little bit of research, and i think its off set because your string doesn't rest inline with you sight when its not drawed back, if you would look down the string it should look better at full draw.
It really depends on a lot of things including fletching contact, limb/cam twist or lean, extraordinary amount of torque applied by a certain roller guard/cable slide through the power stroke, archer form, arrow spine, etc. Too many variables here.
it has to do with the shooter, your form, grip and any bad form issues will determine where your peep and sights line up. if everything was "perfect" your string and arrow and peep and sight should all be lined up.