what would a good sight be to put on my bow? I would like it to be under 100 since, that's what I paid for the bow? Thanks
I was looking at the G5 LE, and I was wondering are they any good? Is the Viper predator HTR a good sight? One more question, I you purchase from the shopping section, does the forum get the money, or does it go to another company? Thanks
I know it sounds crazy but...try not to cheap out on your sights. Cheap-o's give everlasting grief. Besides, when you decide to spring for that top-of-line, whiz bang arrow chunker, you will already have a great sight to install. "The Voice of Bitter Experience"
Konrad is right. you'll probably wanna upgrade you're bow sooner than you think and it will be that much easier when you don't have to spend a fortune on accessories. G5's are great sights but I think they're a bit over priced. also think about the HHA single pin adjustable sights. I have several friends that shoot it and they all love it.
how are the single pins for change in yardage? Do I just move the pin to where I want to shoot, or how do they work. I have always used a multi-pin sight. Thanks
Well something can be overpriced and still good. I have the sight and love it, but I think they have it priced too high. There are a few cons to the sight though. The magnetic hood doesn't stay on (with my bow anyway) when shot. The fibers are also a little more exposed then I care for them to be. The pros are the fibers are bright, it is a very well constructed sight, with a lot of micro-adjustments.. I put a canvas sight cover over mine to protect the fibers.