What do you guys use for a sight? What is the distance for your pins? I'm using a truglo 5 pin at 20 30 40 50 60 but I am thinking of changing it to 20 25 30 40 50. I might be able to buy another pin. Just curious to your sight distances.
I'm a little odd in that I base where I put my pins on what my intentions are. For my set-ups, I base my pin distance selection on whitetail hunting, and for my Trykon XL I have pins at 24, 32, 40, 48, and I know about what drop or holdover I have for each pin. My Katera XL, which is a LOT faster than my Trykon, not 100% sure how fast, but seemingly 15fps or so faster though the IBO difference is only 6fps, I'm toying with 25, 33, and from there, I'm in the air, still tinkering. I may end up with 25 and 35 looking at the pin gaps, but I like to set my FIRST pin up at a distance I feel I can safely shoot at 5yds or whatever that pin is set at. On my older 60# Striker II, I set the first pin at 22, second at 28 as it only shot 256fps, those distances felt best for me. Certainly 20-30-40-.....is reasonable, but the amount of drop I get between 40-50 with that 256fps bow was enough that I really needed a 45 in the middle.
I have an Octane NXS Bowsight and currently my pins are 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60 but I think I am going to change it to 20, 30, 40, 45 & 50 before the season opens.
I like having 20 30 40 50 60 for target and turkey hunting, because I'll use them. But I don't think I'd take a shot over 30 or 35 yards at a deer. So I might adjust to 20 25 30 35 40. What's the longest shot you guys have taken on a deer or what's the longest shot you would take?