Looking for holster reccomendations for carrying a 10mm in bear/lion/wolf country. I was almost sold on the diamond D guides choice chest holster until I thought about having binos around my neck. Hip is a no go because of hip straps on my pack. Wondering if a leg holster would be a good idea. Anybody have experiences with any of these. I plan on carrying it all the time for elk, deer, shed hunting, scouting, or just hiking. So any time I’m in the woods which will be quite often.
You should reconsider carrying a bulky handgun like that for self defense, if you ever had to use it you might hurt your ears. And that would be way worse! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have several high capacity nerf guns just for your information. So yeah we can own guns Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Inside jokes aside, anybody have suggestions for sidearm carry and what they like or dislike about their particular method
I have no experience, but I imagine something strapped to your leg during a hunt/hike would likely rub a few sore spots in your flesh. Why not wear your sidearm on your side?
I normally wear a glock 20 10mm on the belt right side when legal while bowhunting. With your situation of the pack waist strap I'd proabably go with a drop holster on the leg vice a chest holster.
How the heck is he supposed to reach that in a hurry??? Thigh rig not a good option- I guarantee it will snag on every branch possible and probably at exactly the wrong moment. I would go for a shoulder holster that places the gun under the pit rather than closer to the front. Other option is the cross draw on the hip.
I carry a smith and wesson m and p 45 full size in a Safariland 578 GLS Pro-Fit Holster that has a paddle. I slide it over the waist strap of my hunting pack making the gun sit about at my belly button or a little to the right for a right hand draw. I have also carried with the same holster on the strap that is across my chest. Puts the gun high making it awkward to draw but not hard.