I have never shot a turkey before...I made a goal this year that in honor of what would have been my grandfathers 100th birthday I would shoot a turkey with gun and bow, and a deer with gun and bow... This morning at 6:30 I got my first turkey...This one was with my Remington 870... I had 2 toms coming in from opposite directions vying for my sweet hen purrs... This tom was 15 lbs, 8 inch beard and 3/4 inch spurs... It was AWESOME!!
2nd one of the year for us and second first bird for a good buddy. Was able to work the bird into 11 yards and get it done with a 410.
Had a good weekend called in the 2 year old for my wife Friday evening after work and after 7 hours of cat and mouse with multiple gobblers finally sealed the fate of a blonde spurred tom in TN. Maybe one more trip to TN then we switch to deer mode !
Thursday morning before work. Killed him as soon as he flew down from the roost. 19#. 1" spurs. 9.5" beard. Probably sent from a boring lecture using Tapatalk
Shot at 604 this morning....went with a buddy so took the shotgun since the blind is small.....no way I could draw my bow with 2 of us in there....he started talking to us and put on a nice show....23lbs 9 inch beard 1 1/4 spurs
Congrats to everyone! those are some really nice toms!! Here is my Tom from last year on Memorial Day first Turkey of hopefully many to follow! and also my first bow Kill.
Dropped this one at 10 yards with a 3inch turkey load out of my Remington 870 in Allegan County Michigan at 7:00am on 5/18/14.
I don't turkey hunt but my 13 year old son does in fact I don't even buy his stuff he's bought it all he called in this gobbler in the hayfield while I was at work. I came home he had it skinned gutted and debreasted. The turkey ended up weighing 25 lb, 11"beard and 1 1/16 spurs I am very proud of him Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
4th and final bird for us this season. Was able to get it done on the last day last hour of the season.
First time I ever tagged out. 24lb (10") Tom first Friday at 6:30AM, 17lb (2 beards) Jake last Friday at 9:30AM. Congrats to the rest of you and you 'all take nice pictures too.