I want to think Greg/MO, JMBUCKHUNTER, and Chris A for coming out and supporting my bowhunting club this weekend. We had our best turn out in over five years. Years ago we use to average around 200 shooters per event, but with most of the archery shops closing in the local area, our number have been way down. The last two years we were only averaging around 60 shooters per event. There have been a number of bowhunting clubs close up shop in the last couple of years due to lack of support (targets are expensive to replace) and we have been talking about shuting things down if we could not get some shooters. We ran 140 shooters thru our course yesterday, which was a much better turn out than any of the club members were expecting. In fact, we almost ran out of food! We (or any club) cannot continue to offer shoots without the support of shooters and I would personally thank every shooter if I could, as putting on these 3D shoots is something I really enjoy doing. With this increase in shooter numbers we are going to be able to order 5 brand new targets. I would like to be able to get between 15 and 20 new targets on the course next year and we should be able to do if we can keep these kind of number thru our last two shoots. Greg/MO made a 3 hour drive to support our club and proceeded to show just how deadly he and JMBUCKHUNTER are with their BowTechs. There are very few pin shooters out there that aim at ASA 12's and hit them, but that low 12 did not scare either of these guys. I shot in a group behind them and was able to see several shots that just plain amazed me. I have not checked the results to see how Chris A finished, but I am sure he did well. I got to shoot with him a few years back and I will tell you this, if you ever get a chance to walk a 3D course with him, jump on it. YOU WILL HAVE A BLAST!!!!! We had some really good scores turned in, a 414 won MBR and a 401 won MBO. It was great to finally meet you Greg and John. I hope you all enjoyed the shoot. Chris, thanks for coming out and supporting the club again, it is great that we can always count on your groups support. I look forward to seeing you at the next shoot (I am shooting the quail club shoot next Sunday). Again, a big thanks to everyone who came to support the club. As always, you can check www.rivercitybowhunters.com for information on our next shoot and check the results of our past shoots.
It was great to finally meet you too Jim. Neat to put a face with a name on the forum. Not sure if Greg will up for another trip, but I'll probably make more of your shoots. I'll see if I can drag mobow along next time. Might be able to recruit a few more shooters too. Had a good time except for a few of those 5's on the targets where the yardage was a little off.
I know all too well how you feel John. I had 4 of those 5's on my score card, I missed the yardage on that last target by a full 8 yards. I had two targets that I missed the yardage on so bad that I almost missed the entire target, which also cost me one broken shaft. I would love to have a chance to meet a few more of the guys on here. I have never understood how the number of bowhunters continue to increase, but the number of shooters continue to decrease .
You just don't have people like we used to.... People are lazier and lazier every single day anymore.
I enjoyed it, Jim! Your club puts on a great shoot, and serves good food to boot!! Feel free to pass my sentiments on to the other guys who help put it on. If John and I hadn't had such an inconsistent start there... (10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8... with a 5 thrown in as well on yardage error just outside the bottom of the 8), we might have had a shot at taking another one of those beautiful plaques home your club gives out. Still, I'm not complaining too bad on only my second shoot of the year. Next time, I think I'll get a few more shoots under my belt before I make that drive back up and see if that'll help me add some hardware to the collection! Taking that 1st place home last year kinda spoiled me... Great meeting you, too -- and thanks for bringing the missus over as well; looks like you got a real keeper there!!
I am glad you enjoyed yourself. As I said, we try to put the best shoot together possible. I don't know if we have the best shoot in the local area, but we have to pretty close to the top. IMHO, some of the clubs draw a few more shooters than we do, but only because you can shoot a 20 yard pin all day. I think our course offers a good mixture of yardage, enough to challenge you, but not so hard where you want to quit shooting. A few new targets will help and with the turn out we had we will be able to make that happen. Again, thanks a ton for coming out and supporting us again, it is truly appreciated. Remember, there is always "next time" to take that plaque home
What ranges do you guys have at your shoots? I might have to try and make one sometime If it fits in my schedule.
What range of yardages do you guys have at your shoots? I might have to try and make one sometime If it fits in my schedule.
Our targets will be set any where between 15 and 50 yards. We do not range our tagerts when we set the course, we try not to get too stupid, but we also try not to make it super easy either. If I remember all the targets correctly from yesterday (which is hard to do), I think we had 5 between 40 and 45. If I were to guess (and that is all this is), I would guess that our targets average right around 30 yards. It is a great time and as Greg said, we have some good food also. Our next shoot is May 17th. If your schedule permits it, stop and and fling an arrow. You can get some more information and driving directions at www.rivercitybowhunters.com