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Shoulder shot help.

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Jessie06, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Jessie06

    Jessie06 Newb

    Oct 22, 2017
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    So took a shot at a buck his weekend. Watched my arrow hit him and took off into the woods. Tracked the blood for 100 yards and then completely lost it and found my arrow with 8” of blood. Looked for hours on end and nothing.

    My question is, what are the chances that deer may come back (hopefully he made it) by gun season which is in 3 and a half weeks away. My thoughts are my chances at that buck have come and gone.

    Any insight is helpful as I am a fairly new bow hunter.
  2. zachd

    zachd Weekend Warrior

    Mar 11, 2017
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    Ramsey, MN
    Have any pictures of the arrow and broad head or pictures of the blood trail? Was the broad head broken off?
    What is your bow setup how many lbs are you shooting and what arrow and broad heads are you using?
    Was the deer shot from a elevated stand or ground blind and how far away was he? Where in the shoulder do you think you hit low high to the front or back? Was the deer broadside, quartering away or quartering to? These questions will help

    if you got 8 inches of penetration that is pretty good I would say keep looking I would walk circles around the last known blood
    Is there any water sources near by I would check those as well deer love to head to water when injured
    martin sabre1967 likes this.

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