... the .204 with me while out scouting this evening. This is the first time in years that I didn't take the Savage with me while out scouting. I was glassing a field and I turn around to check the field behind me and this guy is standing there mousing around! Ugh! While in a different field a few miles down the road the yotes were howling away early in the evening, around 6:30pm, scared the hell out of the turkeys I was watching! Time to start thinning the pack! This guy is all legs, he is one of the biggest Coyotes I've seen in this area. He would look huge if he was all furred out come this winter!
Damn Ferg, I thought they would be all over the place down by you, seems like perfect terrain for them!
Sure is Bro, over behind the youth camp. I went out a couple times this week to look things over and see what planted where. I wish there were more beans, a lot of corn, but a couple spots are promising! I'll get back out in a few more weeks, closer to the middle of August, you want to tag along???
I have heard that they are in the area but have never seen them. A sign is posted down the block at the park to be on alert for a den but have never seen it.