So I was looking for a cheap bow to use. I got a Barnett Vortex Hunter. It is a "youth" bow. Now, the bow shoots just fine and I have it sighted in, but does it make much of a difference between an adult bow? TIA
If its the same vortex that i bought my son, then no you shouldnt need another bow. Its only called a youth bow because of the wide range adjustments it has.
Is it you want a new one and can afford it....y not Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
I just got a Vortex for Christmas and mine is the Adult version. The difference between the Adult and the youth is the range of draw lengths and draw weights that you can make the adjustments. Sent from my C6606 using Tapatalk
I use the g5 rogue package, I think I got it for a little over 400$ with the pro bowhunter discount. No complaints! I've taken three does with it. But I will be upgrading the accessories.