Should Dog hunting be BAN in MS & AL?! I'll start it off..YES!!!!! There's nothing like sitting in a good treestand with deer everywhere in the foodplot from does to good bucks and waiting on the perfect shot...if there is such. HAHA And here they come a heard of dumb A$$ deer hunter dogs. Well, there goes that perfect shot. And then the guy stops me on the road later and ask me if I'd seen his dogs. Well I lite into him! Anyway Deer dog hunting sucks for the rest of us. I wish it would go away...
What happens when someone doesn't like your type of hunting and they want that to go away? Hunting with dogs has a long tradition in the country and we should support it and them.
I agree with this 100%. BUT.....the issue I would have with it is dogs running across private land where they should not be. Here in WI a lot of guys run bears with dogs. I have no problem with it and even support them. But, I have a serious problem with them running dogs across private property that they don't have permission to hunt and the only excuse they have is, "Dog's can't read."
As long as they don't tresspass, that means hunters or dogs I'm fine with them not being BANNED(band..really?!)...
Dogs are in bands? What kinds of music do they play? My answer to your intended question is "Who are you to tell another person how to hunt?" Obviously, I think dog owners should respect private property.
Your original story was vague and emotional. So, is there a trespassing problem? Who's land are you on when the dogs come through? Or, do you just want it banned because you don't like it?
Its my land and I understand the dogs are good loving and don't have a clue. They are after one thing...deer. The dogs don't understand trespassing. Its the owners that don't care. I guess I'm just venting. No disrespect guys. Good luck with all hunts.
NO! We are hunters and hunters should stick together. Should hunting deer with dogs be regulated yes there should be a period of time hunters with dogs have a period and those hunters without dogs can do their thing. I had bear hunting dogs run a bear up a tree 40ft from me 4 years ago. By the time I realized what had happened the bear was up the tree looking at me I damn neared had a heart attack! Just 40 ft and it would've been me and the bear in the same tree. Yet it presented me with the perfect shot. Even the last days of this season Bear dogs came to the foot of the tree I was in baying up at me before taking off after a bear I didn't see. I'll say again anti-hunting groups seek to stop us from hunting and they have been wining and I won't give them c-suckers anymore ammunition to take away. Some day soon I'l post about the anti-hunting and fishing clown I punched in the jaw, but for now a ban to stop hunters with dogs No. It's not about the perfect kill all the time it's the joy of doing something only a select group love doing. It's hunting pure and simple.
If this is about dogs on your land...How can dogs know when they're trespassing? Le the hunters gettheir dogs withut scoring a kill and tell them how you feel. As long as they don't kill a deer on your property, I can understand your frustration as a person that don't own land to hunt on, but as long as they don't use dogs to kill a deer on your property. Then the violation is disturbing the peace and ruining your hunt not taking game on your land something I can deal with. If it's the same group of people then I have a problem. The dogs are only doing what they are trained to do...if it's the same people do what you have to do. If the dog is threatening your family or live stock. Do what you have to do. Post signs of the impending action and if that doesn't work. they have been warned so your action won't come at no surprise.
Now that I know it's your land the dogs are running you absolutely should put a stop to it! First by just talking to them, then law enforcement and if still happening with a 100 or 125 grain arrow of silent death....sounds harsh but as a last resort I would no longer care.
Shoot the dogs, good constructive answer there.....with mentality like that its no wonder hunting is under assault from all fronts.
Amen brother, if we all thought like that we would have chance to stop the people that are really against us. I will back another hunter, even one I dont agree with over the anti's any day. Problem is there are those among us that are so convoluted in their narcissism that they think by others(types of hunting they dont pursue) losing their rights it leaves a bigger piece of the hunting pie for them.
As has been said, a dog does not know anything about property lines. The hunter, on the other hand, "should" be able to read your no trespassing signs and hear your shotgun rock one off into the dirt as you haul butt out to talk to them. Notice I said talk.
Whoah Whoah Whoah....way to breeze right through everything else I stated! I would in no way shape or form even allow myself to think of that option untill all else has been exhausted. Talk with the owners, post signs, call law enforcement so they know your serious....but if the guys still choose to run their dogs they'd already had A BUNCH of warnings and sadly at that point it would need done otherwise nothing would change. Next time don't breeze over what you want to read and read only what you want...I'm all for guys being honest or disagreeing with me on the boards but to simply ignore some or nearly all of what I say is just ridiculous. *stepping off soap box now...
I didnt breeze over anything, your whole quote is there. You tell me how after you " exhausted" every option a broad head in a hunting dog is going to fix the situation? It doesn't solve a dame thing except make us all look like a bunch of animals. Whats you grand plan after you shoot the dog? Let him run off and die so one one finds him and makes us all look like crap. Maybe you blood trail the dog, drag his *** back to the him over to the guys house and toss it on his porch.....what your grand plan after the you last resort?
Don't you worry your head about it. At that point the hunters illegally allowing dogs to tresspass know my intent was never to have a dog shot. The law enforcement would also know my intent if it continues. I would never let a dog simply lie and die. As tough as it would be I would let the hunters know and make sure the dog is properly burried (either by myself or them). you cannot justify doing nothing...allowing hunters like that to continue doing what they're doing is encouraging illegal hunting techniques which should never be tolerated! I have no doubt though going to the law enforcement/DNR would stop things, charges or threat of them have a funny way of squelching most problems. The hunters would be told continuely I don't want to shoot their dogs, but if all else has failed repeatedly they would also know I will if I must.I put tons of hard work into my small acreage that my dad and I hunt; be ridiculous of me to let idiot/illegal hunters ruin it without doing all I can to stop it and teach them a lesson! I'm all for dog hunting, just like any form of hunting though it must be done legally and appropriately!
This is what I agree with. I have no problem with dogs what so ever, it's just when they consistantly run across private lands. With that said my dad was part of a dog running hunting club that had access to a ton of land they were aloud to dog drive on, and I can not say I have a problem with that at all.