LOL, those guys are the majority over there, but yes compared to the rest or the archery/bowhunting world they are the exception.
Should be interesting to hear your thoughts on the 350 as well.......I will shoot the 340 as soon as they get one.........they are supposed to be getting a bunch of new bows next week, they hope to have the new Monster, the Elite Judge and PSE Axe. Should be a fun day at the shop if my shoulder survives. Any thoughts on the cams??
Honestly, no that doesn't look right. This one seems square. The picture you provided looks offset some. Perhaps a couple twists in the yoke system would square that one up. Interesting. Was it out of the box that way or did the shop play with it?
It wasn't really the squareness of the cams that looked off to me as it seemed to roll over just fine..........I got down on the floor and stood on a chair to watch the lower and upper cam as someone else drew the bow........they seemed to track just fine but they are literally a hair away from the limbs. Like I said, I couldn't get a credit card in the space. I simply cannot see how it is possible for something THAT tight to the limb not to be a problem down the road after thousands of shots and being hauled up and down from a treestand. The bow was right from the box with a WB thrown on it. I was the 2nd person to shoot it. It's hard to tell from your pic if the cams on that bow are just as tight to the limb.
If it's any consolation, there have been over 200,000 shots through the test Destroyers and that was back in Nov, I'm sure that number is pushing 300,000 without an issue. The gap is very much by design. They've been designed with very tight tolerances.
Like Rob stated these bows have been cycle tested like none other. This is the most confident I have ever been with one particular bow. I just cant wait to actually shoot one like Rob did. Great info Rob.
Atlas, that spacing may very well be by design. With a yoke system you can adjust and tune that to keep it in spec, unlike previous Binary designs where you had no control over that. If there was lean present in the older designs there had to be more room to accomodate that, but those yokes give you total control over this. There is really better control and more ability to tune on this design than any binary, single, or cam 1/2 type system out there. It's like the benefits of tuning ability that you get out of a dual cam, yet the cams are still slaved. It's really IMHO the best designed cam on the market right now, and I'm really hoping they roll it out to their entire product line in future years. I'd kill for that cam design on a platform like the Constitution for indoor/outdoor target oriented stuff.
Ur crazy the z7 shoots better than any bowtech out right now. Mathews resale is the best out right now and the grips are great i thought the dystroyer had more vibration and was a little loud. Mathews is the best bow out
same here Germ.... looking to replace both my ROSS bows this year for a company that might just be around more than 1-2 seasons....
Now c'mon Germ... You're picking on a 16 y.o. that just joined yesterday...:D Besides, don't you remember how much you KNEW when you were 16?:p
Shot both, liked both.... would be very happy with either one. Don't shoot anything indoor/outdoor 3d stuff so either one would suit me just fine. Price tag they told me last night was $900 for the 350 and $849 for the z7. Can get an Alphamax 32 or 35 for $699. Shot all three last night and the two new boths were head and shoulders above the alpha. Still might get the Alpha because it's fast enough and still shot really well. The new bows were equipped with sights and stab's and the alpha was bare so that should have compensated for some of the vibrations I felt from the AM.
I agree! I think the key is to go shoot it. The Vast majority that shoot it with an open mind will be throughly impressed with the Destroyer and Wantin' One in the worst way. I've shot hundreds of Bows in the 40 years I've been in Archery and while I am most definitely a BowTech Fan the Destroyer exceeded all my expectations. I shot the 350 by the way. I was so convinced that the one I shot could not be 70# that I had to put it on a scale. Yep!! It was 70# on the button. One thing guys need to remember if you go shoot a Demo bow at the shop. Even if the draw length is only an inch out for you it will change the way the bow feels dramatically. Also poundage you are used to shooting and what the Demo bow is set on will affect your perception. A huge percentage of the reviews I read are very, very positive, but that comes as No surprise to me. I've shot bows long enough to know a winner when I shoot one. I shot the AlphaMax last year and was impressed it did not surprise me that the AlphaMax won bow of the year. This year I have shot the Maxxis, the Monster, the Z7, and the Destroyer. The Destroyer will win Bow of the year IMHO. As far as longevity? As mentioned this bow was cycled a minimum of 150,000 shots. I'm betting most will never shoot that many shots on their bows ;-) Not a concern! Dan
Try Nick at Genes in Perham man. He works some super deals on Mathews in there. He was about giving the Hoyts away.
cam clearance I was looking at buying a new bow this year as well, currently i shoot a mathews switchback LD, my previous bow was a bowtech. I have a 31.5 inch draw. I was hoping to get by with either the bt destroyer 340 in 31" or the monster 7 in 31". I was able to shoot the 350 and liked most everything about it, although it really didnt have a solid backwall but then again it only went to 30". But i can say the cam doesnt have any room for error. The one i shot appeared to be touching the limb, paper would barly pass through. i can tell you if i called the shots at bowtech i would never have let that pass. I can promise that it will cost them a few sales, me included. Sorry bowtech I will sit this one out, maybe 2011.