Sure - we went to lunch one day and I told him to stop being a ******bag. I told him I'm going to find a used saddle and set it on the table in the studio so he can get up on his high horse when he's berating me.
Oh my word, all in good fun that would be freaking hilarious if you slip a saddle in the shot next show.....LMAO!
So this topic apparently has ruffled some feathers. Im newer to bow hunting so let me try to explain a newby perspective on this. One post said that Justin is setting a bad example for young people. Im not young I'm actually older than Justin by about a year. but being new to this sport i see nothing wrong with this hunt. BHOD markets itself as the everyman hunter show and goes to great lengths to show real hunts good and bad. But what we can't forget is that Justin and Todd aren't everyman hunters as much as they'd like to be. These guys are consummate professionals wether they realize it or not. Justin constantly kills quality Deer and has shown nothing but respect and good judgement by passing on bucks for over two years. was it a high percentage shot??? maybe not for you or me. But it certainly wasn't a bad shot and if anyone could make that perfect shot from that angle it would be Justin or Todd. I leave this comment in closing, If you've never made a bad shot you either haven't hunted enough, Never killed a deer or are the luckiest person on planet earth. get off the soap box.
I personally wouldn't have the balls to take that shot. I can see where a skilled archer would want to test his skill and make an attempt at that shot. Let's face it, it's not an impossible shot, just a very difficult one. In the end I don't think that is a shot Justin will feel too confident with again, or maybe he learned where not to put his pin and it will be a quick kill next time. We learn and improve from our mistakes. When we fail to acknowledge our mistakes is when we run into trouble. Which he did just that. He acknowledged that he screwed up. Next time he is in that position he will have a choice to use what he learned and make a better shot or let the deer walk. That will be up to Justin to decide.
At least the show, shows everything from the good and bad. Justin, even said that it wasn't the best shot. We've all done it. Nobody is perfect. He got the deer at the end of the day and is honest about his shot placement. Alot of different shows will claim they "smoked" a deer when in reality they made a bad shot. That's what keeps me watching this show.
Its called but hurt bc thats exactly what you are. You act like you never took an unacceptable shot. Ur not on tv/web show being criticized about every decision you make. There is noone there in the woods to judge your choices. Everyone makes mistakes just so happens jz's was on camera and he has enough balls to show his mistakes. So get over it. The guy made a poor shot and went the extra 100 miles to recover his deer it was a great learning episode for EVERYONE. That's whats wrong with other shows they dont show there mistakes and they dont go over what they did wrong. They dont go over what they learned from the hunt jz did all of those things and did them well. He found his buck with a little luck maybe? Yes. Great episode great learning curve for younger hunters. Scratch what this bum said ^^^ keep up the good work. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
I will 're state my comment. When i said you act like u never took an unacceptable shot. How are you going to come in here and bash someone for taking a shot when you your self has never shot at a deer?? that just blows my mind! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
You should be in the woods troy troy get a acceptable shot on a deer for the forst time instead of being on her putting people on blast. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
I personally wouldn't have taken this shot, but my opinion doesn't mean 2 cents imho...far more risk then reward for my abilities thankfully Justin retrieved the deer and the story can end...
Auto correct took over my post. Oh so u have killed that many with a bow huh? This isn't a gun site so those won't be acceptable kills since there with a gun Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Lol! Go kill a deer with a bow and come back and maybe someone will then respect you. Im done here. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk