Hello, I am brand spanking new to this site and forum. I have read a ton of threads and really enjoy coming here as much as possible. Thanks to all for your contributions to this forum which helps all of us enjoy the world of bow hunting as well as learn a bunch along the way. My friend owns some land in SW Illinois and we have been getting some decent trail cam pics this year. In particular, I attached one here of certainly a nice buck. But my purpose was to get your opinion on whether this deer may have been shot. See his left hind quarters. Something suspicious going on there as well as the right side of his antler. Maybe he bumped it, I don't know. What do you think?
Shot on the left hind side will cause something fishy on the right side the following year so yes quite possible here. Nice buck!
Very likely could be the entrance would, however, its really hard to tell. Like noted previously it mkes sense as to why his right side would be a little different.