My oldest son bought a bow on Ebay last spring, and while it was a good price, it wasn't exactly as advertised. The DL was advertised as 24", turns out its 26". I thought he would grow enough to use it this fall, its not going to happen. The bow is an older Hoyt Raider wheel bow. Can the draw be shortened 2 inches or I am better off selling this one and buying one that fits?
Is there any way you could come up with the year or some more stats? Even pics of the cams might help. I am not a hoyt guy, but I am sure there are a few out there. (Rob/PA)
If I remember this bow right, your going to be hard pressed to get 2" shorter out of it. It's steel cables with tear drops and a string isn't it? Can't even lengthen the cables to get a little.
Yeah its steel cables and tear drops. He really likes the bow, but we may end up bying a different one so he can hunt this fall.
Are there slots in the wheel that the cables can be moved into? There are usually 3 and you'll want to have the cables in the ones that take up the most cable to shorten the draw. Each slot is 1" less draw length. With a wheel bow you can short string it but that drops the let-off and performance of the wheel. Ideally you wouldn't do it at all but you may be able to put a 1" shorter string on which will shorten the draw 1/2". It's going to mess with the weight too but it may get you by until he grows into it.