I was just interested in how people practice shooting in the winter when you get snow. Are there places that let you practice shooting or do you practice inside of your house?
I shoot at an indoor range at a local bow shop in the winter. If its over 35 degrees and we don't have too much snow, I sometimes shoot in the yard. That rarely happens until March though.
I shoot out of my barn window with the heat off, treestand height, proper distance, makes me bundle up. Great stuff
It just sucks because i have really no place to go and practice no barns basement to small i could go outside but if i ever miss good by arrow and its cold
My basement.... My farm house is freakin' HUGE. Very long, so the basement offers me plenty of shooting.
I really don't shoot a whole lot during the winter. When I do, I either go outside or shoot from the living room, through the kitchen, through the garage and onto the work bench :D
I can get 16 yards across my basement. 17 if it's corner to corner. Sometimes it's 1 arrow, sometimes it's dozens. I also plow the path to the targets outside just in case it's not that cold. :D