This actually went pretty well, I was in no way taking a shot at my buddy and actually ask him if I could use his example because I thought it could help someone new to shooting deer. I have written this before but her it goes again...I got to hunt peachtree city, Ga for several years when I was learning to hunt. I was anywhere from 12 to 18 years old when my uncle had these tracts. Some of them were builders and friends of the family. Peachtree city was one of the fastest growing places in the country and the deer had nowhere to go. I remember seeing 150 deer a sit sometimes, all the while watching the 8th hole on cannongate golf course from a 150 yards away. I did not hunt these areas, we killed deer in these areas as we were told to do. I cannot tell you how many deer I killed, had other people kill and helped retrieve from other guys kills who hunted these areas. I am by no means anything remotly close to anyone you would want to get much knowledge from on deer hunting as I am fairly stubborn and stuck in my ways and need to be kicked in the Jimmy from time to time, but when it comes to the killing of and finding deer, I am a decent source of information. I owe that to hundreds of track jobs, shots etc...I sat over a kudzu field with 3 other guys (one farmer with a permit to shoot them whenever) and my uncle...that afternoon we gave 30 deer to hunters for the hungry and also took a couple home. That was not a rare occurance guys, that was the almost drove me from hunting for awhile because it became not fun and when I went to "regular" tracts 2 sightings was not worth it. I cannot begin to tell you the things that threw me sideways countless times on hits, location of hits..or where I thought they were, the hunter who actually smoked the deer only to later find the deer shot through the hip etc...I AM IN AGREEMENT THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO KILL HUNDREDS OF DEER TO BE A GOOD HUNTER OR KNOW HOW TO DO IT, but no one should be able to argue that each kill does not further educate you to a certain degree. I quote Davidmil as he sumed it up perfectly, when you kill one, well you know more than you did before. This is alos my first 2 pager, as I near 100 posts my knowledge must also be
I guess a 50 year old virgin could be a regular Ron Jeremy just because he has assumed the position so many times.