Whats are your options so far this year? Have you better deer on other properties? My guess is that you should Go get-em... Probably grow a few more inches before it is all said and done.
I have a few bucks located I would love to put an arrow thru.... The problem is, I can't get them to walk in front of my camera.... I have saw them a few times glassing the fields though. Hopefully sooner or later they will make their game cam debut.
Well I wish you the best... I hope they make the mistake of getting caught by the trail cam first so you have both sets of pics when you finally harvest one of them...
It would be hard for me to pull the trigger with the potential of the the double beam deer still walking around, but then I'm greedy.
Awesome Buck buckeye! It's your call, but if it was up to me I would take a crack at him if given the opportunity. Of course I haven't killed a buck over 55" either.Lol.
Great buck there buckeye! 3.5 this year? Man he'll really turn into something come the next year or 2. He's nice already! I'd be shooting too I think.
Just think Scott, if that buck walks by and you arrow him, 5 minutes later Mr. Freak is gonna pass by and you are gonna be doing a whole lot of this :d
Here are a couple recent pics of him.... I am getting very few pics now, they seem to be out of the beans for the most part and into the corn heavily now. He is filling in pretty nice. I just hope once they are off these beans he goes across the road to another section I can hunt with corn as the bucks on this property are only on summer range in this bean field set up. There is not enough habitat around this field to sustain their needs out side of summer feeding.
Okay Scott, I am starting to say shooter, but there is just something about freak nasty...... what a tough decision, but one of the best tough decisions to have.
I wouldnt pass him up if I were you, if this property is any of the ones you and I have talked about in the past that recieve hunting pressure from more guys than just you... he'd be in your top 2 bucks wouldnt he? Kill him, hes a stud.
Dang im already seeing some more growth in him most notable the G3's not counting the kicker on the right side. Awesome buck bucko