Shoot or pass? 8 point from last year. Im pretty sure he is still alive.. No one on my deer lease shot him last year.. I figure he will be an 8-10 point this year with a 14-15" inside spread. I hope it shows the picture.
Have you gotten any more pics of him? He could just be looking for a doe as he looks like he is in the prime of the rut in that pic! But I send an arrow his way and not think twice about it ...but it the end its your call.
Looks like a pretty nice buck to me. It's your call on how early you wanna kill him... I like looking at bucks when they are looking away from you because it makes it much easier to see spread, tine length, etc. He also looks to have a pretty thick body too. Nice mature buck! I'd say if you see him, clap him!
I would definitely take a crack at him since that is last years pic. I would have had a hard time in 2010 passing him up but definitely a shooter this year. Good Luck!! Hopefully he is still in the area.
I’d pass but then again I live and hunt in IL. Those size deer are a dime a dozen in this state; however, he is mature enough to take down, so knock an arrow and split his hide. Good luck, with him. Also, as lastoneout pointed out he seems to be in full rut, so he is most likely from another property. Every Buck I've ever killed in the Rut I had never seen before, so this leads me to believe those theories on Buck traveling over 5 miles a day for hot does.
Take him if you get a shot at him. Definitely mature enough IMO. But like selfbros said, deer travel pretty far in the rut so chances are if you don't see that buck before full rut that another buck his size or even bigger could be lurking around somewhere so i wouldn't force a shot if he comes by and doesn't present himself broadside or quartering away.
I wasn't asking for permission dude, I was just curious as to what you guys thought...? I will say I never saw this buck again.. Im sure there will be some other nice bucks that present themselves sometime this year.. I had a 6 and a 7 that weren't quite legal last year but were on my camera veryyyyy often. I just hope I can beat my record sometime soon, a 9 point.. Not sure what he scored but he was nice!