I'm getting my shelf ready to go so I can go out and shoot this bow once and see how she does. The question Is, how much of the shelf should be touching the arrow? I could do It exactly like I had It before but maybe I don't need to do what I've been doing.
Is there truth to this where they show where the high point on the shelf should be shooting a recurve?
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you modifying the crown of the shelf? If you are, you don't need or want much. Just make sure the highest point is directly over the deepest part of the grip.
Didn't see your second post. But I think it answers what you are looking for. Another thing, don't sand/file down the highest point on the crown directly over the deepest part of the grip. Only modify around it.
Wow, I never knew this!! This kinda ticks me off some being the bowyer who made this bow 14 years ago didn't do this part right. The highest point on my shelf Is at least 1/2" farther forward then the deepest part of my grip. I guess I'll have to modify the shelf some and stick something directly above the deepest part of the grip. Thanks Bob for the great Info!!
A lot of guys will simply glue a match stick under the rug to lift the arrow up and give it a small contact surface. You will see alot of the older bows will have long, flat crowns. I suppose that is b/c most guys were shooting them off some type of rest?
That's exactly what I had before on the shelf but I thought I'd ask to see what others thought on this. Thanks DC.