Well my Ohio season hs gone very slow.... So what do you do? Go shedding some where else to get your head back into the game.... My only pick up from Ohio so far this year... I will find sheds in Ohio this year... It is just going to take more work than the 25-30 hours I have put in so far at home. Onto Illinois.. I gave all of these pick ups to Dave Bols. Mine along with two of Daves from that day. And finally my Oklahoma pick up. I gave this one to Dustin Decroo.
You just keep on pimpin' the trucker hat stooge. Yeah, this will be an incredible sheddin' season if you don't find one in Ohio Buckeye. Glad I could end your shed drought out here in IL. Playa!
Congrats on another dead head. Thats all i've found so far, 7 deer skeletons, a squirrel skull and a mink someone shot. Didnt you find a bunch of sheds last year? Whats the difference this year, too early?
3 more hours today. This skull to show. Also, found half of a skull, a buck with only the burr showing past the pedical, the rest was chewed off. Didn't even take a photo. Yeah, I did pretty well last year. We had between 16 inches and 2 feet of snow on the ground throughout all of Jan and part of Feb when our deer do most of their shedding where I live. They weren't traveling or spending any time in the fields or easily accessible timber during this time. They were holding tight in the nearly impenetrable multi flora rose thickets we have here. Hopefully my luck will change and I will get on some. Good luck to you out there chasing bone
Started off with this.. Half a skull with the antler broke off not to far past the burr. All streaks must come to an end.... 40+ hours into my Ohio shed season I had yet to find a shed antler... Only dead heads. Sure felt good to put an end to that streak :d That came to an end with this little guy. I picked this up on a high area within a swamp green briar thicket. The right side of the "4 main beam" buck looking much like he did the day I had him come under my tree this past fall except for the crab claw being broke. The g2 and g3 were broke off the day I saw him. Check my blog for more details on this buck.
YEP....you are officially on the board in Ohio. Man, I can't bust your balls anymore. Good luck tomorrow if you get out. And you're right, that oldie didn't look to be touched at all!! Where's the all that multi-flora rose again?!?! :evil: SOLID, SOLID FIND my friend! Even with the broken tines. I'll let you know how it works out tomorrow. I'm hitting the woods early. Might even try and catch some turkeys waking up.
You think he'll be 4 1/2 or 5 1/2 next year? Either way, I can see an arrow deflating his lungs very nicely!!!
Saturday morning found me hitting the woods for just 3 hours.... It was a good morning! First find of the day. A freshie from a buck I saw once from stand this fall. Picked up in a travel cooridor. Number 2. A decent shed I am guessing that is from last year, or the year before. hard to tell. Some rodent damage to the brow tine, G2 and G3. No damage to the main beam. Picked up inside a hedgerow. Number 3. Another freshie of a buck that I saw a few times on stand. He still had his brow tine the times I saw him. Picked up on the edge of an overgrown field. Number 4. An oldie with a good bit of rodent damage. Picked up in an overgrown field.
Dude, those are some pretty good sheds my friend. Smokes the two dinkers I found today. Thumbs up brother. You gonna get all crunked up tonight to celebrate the Buckeye Shed Train leaving the station and picking up some serious steam the past few days? :D