Found 2 more in a spot I already hit...not sure how I missed these. The first one, I found before I even made it to the woods on the edge of a field in the tall grass. Coolest antler I'll probably ever find. Has 6 points with a massive 7th point broken off. Old 3 pt
Got out after work and found one that I missed last year. Would have been a decent little guy but the squirrels got it pretty good. Puts me at 13 total.
Hit a small spot on my lunch break for an hour today and came up big. Found 5 total, 2 giant fresh ones, a smaller fresh, and two old ones. All within 500 yards of eachother if I had to guess. New personal best on quality and total in one day. Massive 4 pt Small 4 pt Nice 5 pt Old 4 pt Old 4 pt with a small kicker Old deadhead sawed off with tree growing around it End of the day pic Also jumped a buck with both sides still so I guess I'll just have to go back
Measured the 2 big ones in the pic above and got around 67 2/8" for the big 5 pt and 58 1/8" for the thick 4 pt (assuming the 1 1/8" cheater coming off the base counts as a point). It was my first time scoring any so I'm sure they are off somewhat here or there but they should be close. I used the score sheet on so if there is a better one, I'd be interested to know.
Found this set on lunch break today. Almost missed them but something told me to walk over to this one spot and there they were. Another week or two and they would have been lost forever.
Found number 21 today on my lunch break...just happened to walk on the right trail or I would have never found it.
I was determined to find the matches to the two big ones I found earlier this year so I tried a new spot but ended up finding a third big buck shed instead. It was last year's shed but surprisingly had no chew marks or anything. Fifty yards ahead, I ended up finding what I thought was the match but it turned out to be this year's shed from the same buck. Numbers 22 and 23. Guess the search is still on for the matching sides to all 3 deer now... Last year's shed This year's shed Pics showing their similarities
Never too late, found this spike shed in a recently burned area after 20 minutes...stuck out like a sore thumb. 25 for the year, or do I get to count this towards next year's?
latest I ever found one was early September while scouting. nice find! I still seem to keep looking every time I get in the woods. just habit I guess.
sheddinva will send you a sample of my bass jigs ,leave me your name and address as a message on my page don weddle bow
casey from don ,just mailed your bass baits,tracking# is 9114999944313719008272, please spread word about my bass lures,P.S. fish my spinner-bait to a T per. instructions on back of bag!!!!! bass- wishes .