Count me in...what kind of time limit are we thinking - I found my two best last year while turkey hunting in April - typically done shed hunting by then... ...this will be good for some off-season action.
Tim, I've always been curious as to what % of the sheds you find are fresh. I would imagine a large portion. I know in my hay days at camp I would find a ton, but there were quite a few that were laying 1-5 years and bleached.
im in..but ill lose..i wanted to get out and look for some sheds this year anyway...will be a good reason to get off my bud and get into the woods..
Mostly fresh unless we pick up a new pieces of property to walk or come across CRP/sloughs that were burnt off. 20 - 25 old sheds would be about the most we find in a year. Usually in that 5 - 10 % range if my math is right. How large a percentage of old in your hay days at camp ?? Tim
Man, I don't really know. I bet we found 30-35% fresh is all. Probably 30-35% 1 year old and the rest were 2+ years old. There were days when we would find 3 sets from the same buck. Then again, we were shed hunting areas that no one had ever been to, for any reason. The deer were undisturbed.....but are now dead! HA! I've found 23 sheds in a day, but I bet only 5-7 of them were fresh.