Hello all, I just purchased a new Black Gold Rush sight for my bow. I have never installed a new sight so I come to you my fellow achers for some tips on settiing up. I don't have the sight yet it is to be delivered at the end week. Now I have bore sighted guns before and I'm sure there might be some relation but I'm not about to take any chances. So I ask, what are some basic things if any should I do when I set it up after the intial install? Thanks, Tim
I will always pick a 2" spot on a target to shoot at from 10 yards first. When making adjustments to the sight move the rest in the direction that the arrow hit away from your dot. So if it hit up and left from the dot move your sight up then left. Once you get it sighted in at 10 yards you won't have to worry about missing the target completely so you can step back to 20 yards and sight your top pin in there. Then just keep moving back setting your pins for the distances you want them to be. I recommend walk back tuning your bow just to make sure your rest is set at the exact centershot for your bow before going really in depth with micro tuning your sight. Being off just a little with your rest could throw you off 6" or more at long distances. Good luck sighting her in, it's always fun setting up a new bow.
Thanks for the tips. My bow has been squared up already. I am replacing the sight thst the bow came with.
Start by taking a measurement for reference that you can duplicate with the new sight. For example, a measurement from your arrow rest to the bottom pin on your current sight will be the same measurement when you put the new sight on the bow. That will get you relatively close when you start dialing it in. You can take the measurement off your riser or whatever part of the bow that is easiest as long as you use the same spot when you put the new sight on. Hope that makes sense.
just rememmber to follow your arrows ,if hitting left move your sight pins left ,hitting high move them up.at first install the sight and eye ball the pins with the centre of your bow string get them close.i would start at 10 yards and shoot the centre of a large target if a little high but you hit the target back up to 20 and try.only worry about the top pin till you get the 20 yd hitting where you want.you know you are hit the bull at 20 move to thirty and so on if you find your hitting a little left or right of the bull at longer distances if your hitting a little left move your rest a very very bit right until you hit the bull
Follow your arrow at ten yards. If the arrow is left move your sight a few clicks to the left . If its high move it a few clicks higher. You get a hang of it eventully. Once your close enough at 10 shoot a few at 20 . Depending on your bow it should olny be a little bit different. And don't move your 1st pin at all. Use the sights vertical adjustment for the fist pin. Move the other pins for a 30 , 40 etc. I wouldn't suggest going at it alone though, after you get your sight on it takes a professional to tune it correctly. So you could get the whole deal done within a hour at a local pro shop. Shouldn't cost more than 30 $. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII
Just got a new sight myself that is great trophy ridge react any how I had to change my peep and anchor position so you may look in to that Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2