Alright guys, I have a question for everyone and would like to get some opinions on what you think. I am looking at setting up a shop and wanted to know what equipment would be recommended? I am looking for items that will last and can stand up to everyday use, ie presses, arrow saws, etc. I am familiar with the bows, rests, arrows, sights etc but I am unsure as to the best equipment used to do the work with. I work on my own stuff with what I can find but I know I will need some nice stuff if I am to work on other peoples bows. Look forward to seeing the replies.
well I worked at a shop for a little bit and we used the x-press which is super simple to use and was the favorite from all the guys in the shop. Might want to look into those, they can be expensive though. Dont forget your bow set of allen wrenches! you always need those ahaha!
Thanks AA, I have seen those and you are right about the price. I do want to get nice items so I am not sure that price will be a major factor