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Set up advice for pig.

Discussion in 'Big Game Hunting' started by Agi Ambre, Mar 10, 2025 at 1:59 PM.

  1. Agi Ambre

    Agi Ambre Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2020
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    San Diego
    I wasn't sure if this applies to the "Big Game" thread, but i know for sure it doesn't apply to deer or turkey. I've done a limited search in the forum for any other set up advice pertaining to pig and have fallen short. Some of the google answers are not helpful either.
    I currently run Victory XVs uncut with grim reaper 125 grain mechanical broadheads on a 70lb draw on a Matthews v3x 33. Rip xvs are .255" external total weight is 242 grains including insert minus broadhead 367 total weight.
    From what I gathered, and can assume, is that arrow setup may not have enough penetration power for a full grown "trophy size" pig but could suffice for meat pig.
    What are your thoughts?
    Can you point me in a good direction for resources?
    So I don't have to completely retune my bow, do you have any suggestions on narrow diameter arrows that increase the punch.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2025 at 2:16 PM

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