After mixed results using rage heads, I'm going back to a fixed blade, call it extra insurance. What would be your top 2 or 3 picks for 60+lb compound, for deer. I've shot the muzzys, magnus, slick trick, satelite, and many others. I'm wanting something I haven't shot yet.
Trophy Ridge Meat Seeker check it out. BHC will have a review up soon. 2 and 3 blade. As for the rage I am not sure if you heard they have a new shok lock on it so the blades stay until impact. Also made the tip much sharper out of the package. Plus they now have a 1.5" head.
I'll get your more information hopefully shortly. For now though: The Carbon Express F-15 Fixed Blade Broadhead: 1 1/8" cutting diameter .030" blade thickness 100 grain This was my favorite pickup during the ATA show. A Carbon Express rep was kind enough to let me test one out. The thing is WILD, razor sharp, and will definitely be spilling blood soon!
Peakrut, The blades staying in the open position was not the problem with my rage, it was they never opened. Luckily I still recovered the deer. The blades were still tucked nicely in the rubber bands! I will say the buck I shot where they worked as advertised was great. Big hole, lots of blood, and dead in less than 2 seconds. Bols, That's a wicked looking head. I'll be interested to see what type of penetration that head gets. Southernboy, I'm leaning towards the Montecs, specifically the new carbon steel model. Any other suggestions?
A couple packs of Montecs could last you your lifetime. Shoot an animal resharpen and back in your quiver for the next time. They are one tough blade.
Even if you don't line them up with your fletching They are a great head I will never go back to a mechanical.
The new NAP head looks pretty interesting... Check out Justin's blog mentioning them...
3 Blade Magnus Snuffer. It's worked well for me anyway. It's a solid one piece broadhead minus the glued In adapter. 1 1/4" cutting diameter.
hey bols where can i git them f-15's around here they look like they will def. put the deer down quick and leave a great bloodtrail for my beginning ass to follow next season. lol
NAP Crossfire, the spin and stabilize the arrow and no need to align the fletchings. Seriously they fly great and are a pretty tough head. NAP makes an extremely sharp broadhead and the new ones that are coming out are pretty sweet as well. The new G5 carbons also look pretty durable and the Razortricks are also sweet.
I don't know what is out your way but I would imagine any local shop that carries Carbon Express could find a way to order these heads. The F-15 will come in both fixed and mechanical styles.
I think a proven head is the way to go, but it is always nice trying new things. I have used the Slick Trick Mag 100's since they came out, and it would take something really special to make me switch. I can shoot arrow for arrow with my ft's out to 60 yards (of course I wouldn't shoot at a deer that far) without any adjustments. The wound channels are nothing short of impressive, and the blood trails are spectacular. The following picture is GRAPHIC, and it's just the ENTRY hole of the first coyote I shot with a bow. I thought the exit hole was a bit too nasty for pictures even to me.